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College Of Business

JSU Websites > College of Business | Jackson State University > Welcome to the Trading Room-Interdisciplinary Learning Laboratory (TR-ILL)

Welcome To The Trading Room Interdisciplinary Learning Laboratory

Geungu Yu-81Welcome. My name is Geungu Yu, Lab Manager/Coordinator of the TR-ILL. This is the website for the TR-ILL located in COB 232, College of Business, Jackson State University, Jackson, Mississippi, launched on November 14, 2014.

For introduction of the TR-ILL, please click on TR-ILL-Intro

To be shown in the Table of Post Contents below, additional information will be added by a series of posts. (Note: “Comments” features are disabled in this site. If you like to make a comment, email it to me directly


Table of Post Contents

p1.. TR-ILL-Intro



p4. Telemet Orion, Getting Started

p5. The recorded Video, Dec. 5, 2014 Telemet Orion Orientation Webinar for Jackson State University

p6. Telemet Reporting_Webinar

p6A. Telemet Webinar on Reporting

p7. Dr. Cora B. Marrett Visits TR-ILL on April 27, 2015

p8. Mr. Haley Fisackerly Visits TR-ILL on Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Women in lecture

Student success is augmented through services of the Center for Academic and Professional Success (CAPS), which oversees the delivery of the College’s Professional Development curriculum, coordinates the College’s Internship programs, and advises student organizations. CAPS also houses the Career Services Office.

The Center for External Relations coordinates sponsored research, executive education, and advancement/development activities of the College, while the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) offers business counseling to existing and prospective small businesses.  The Center for Research in Economic Education and Literacy in Finance (CREELF) provides an academic resource for public and private schools, K-12 teachers and students, and adult learners in the Urban Central Mississippi area. The College houses a state-of-the-art Trading Room.

In addition to 40 full-time faculty members, the college has frequent visitors and lecturers from business, government, and nonprofit organizations who share their insight and experience. Students have regular opportunities to interact with academics, top researchers, executives, and managers from businesses and industries in the Jackson Metropolitan area and around the nation.

Our Vision

The College of Business seeks to be recognized for having a positive impact on the lives of our students, successful career progression of our faculty, and contributions to the prosperity of the local community, Metro Jackson, and the State of Mississippi.
We will achieve our vision through offering unique educational opportunities and rigorous academic standards in the classroom, providing a supportive environment for faculty to excel in teaching and service, promoting relevant, high quality and highly impactful scholarship, and contributing to the economic development of the region and the state through national and global partnerships with educators and business owners.

College Of Business


College of Business
1400 John R. Lynch Street
Jackson, MS 39217-0280

Phone: 601.979.2411